Why iPad Rules The Tablet Segment

By Liz

iPadThe plethora of tablets has hit the international markets over a span of year. However, their myopic focus and lack of innovation have made iPad an undisputed leader in the tablet segment. One of the major factors that has attributed to the success of the tablet is the robust app support. The App store offers comprehensive apps segmented across categories and offer paid or free options for end users to choose from on the fly. The App store also offers a fair platform for developers to earn from their custom made apps than on Android Market. iOS platform is more stable than WebOS and Android platforms. Even after being a popular operating system in the segment it is not susceptible to security glitches.

iPad Cases and cutting edge accessories further enhance its overall utility. The end users can plug it to TV and LED’s and leverage from large size view without any hassles. It has emerged as best breed portable device in its segment in no time at all. Most of the tablets have almost little to no information about the respective device at the time of launch. However, iPad has been one such revelation that had several thousands of feeds even before its maiden launch.
Its size, display and portability aspects are just perfect for a tablet. It was benchmarked by other tablet manufacturers such as Samsung, Blackberry and Sharp for rolling out their own versions. The new iOS 5 will further push up the overall ante of the device by offering iMessage and iCloud services to the end users for free of cost.
The tablet market will eventually become more competitive in 2012 and one can expect better functionalities in the next release of iPad. Therefore, get going and always invest in iPad even though you might consider other tablets closely.

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